Ads: What were they thinking?!

Ok so when I saw these ads i was literally like what were people thinking?!

The first one was for LG's new oven which is to be 6 times hotter... so the ad depicts a cow being slaughtered by lil demons I think possibly in hell...and I get what they are trying to go with here about the efficiency of the oven, with 'hell' being a metaphor for the oven etc. but all I can think about is poor cow...i mean honestly what the cow do right? Even though it may be an artistic representation the cow definitely does not look happy, so it kind of detracts from the ad's effectiveness.

LG: Cow

The second one is a Nissan ad in Brazil and it has ponies....yes that's right ponies, which look like right out of 'My Little Pony & Friends', and while for most of the ad I was like aww I could see where they were coming from and what they wanted to accomplish. The reason why this ad gets the WTF?! is because of the ending... it leaves you a bit dazed. People who are familiar with YouTube virals would find a striking similarity to the 'Nyan Cat'viral which got an insane number of hits, and I'm not quite were Nissan planning to re-creating the success? I'm not sure but I don't think it hit the mark.

And finally I have to give a special mention to Old Spice. Their latest efforts involved a sailor who smelt surprisingly very good. Maybe it's just me but their ads are beginning to look a  little cliche. A word of advice stop trying to copy yourselves and come up with something original, the "Man your man could smell like" was great, but it's time to move on to newer and possibly better things. 

The New Digital Age?

I came across this new App the other day called Lawry's Digital Dinner Bell. The app functions as a virtual bell which notifies the entire family (who also have the app) that dinner is ready and come to the table.

It is scary to think that in this age the only way to get the entire family together is a via an app on the phone, and  that we actually need apps such as these. Is this where our future is heading? Makes you think.