Ads:What are your examples of Great Ads?

Ads have a lot of responsibility in conveying the right image of the brand, it has to be consistent with their image, message and what they stand for.

Lately BIC's new virals for their BIC Flex 3 razor is brilliant. The ad itself depicts a Human Curling game, where a clean shaved man is slid across the ice to land on target, for an entirely smooth experience, its short, to the point, clever, original, funny, functional, engaging and memorable...exactly what an ad should be! And it is followed up by a game where you get to 'curl' first hand either using your webcam or keyboard. the webcam is definitely more fun..but tiring. Overall an excellent campaign in which the viewer is engaged and the point gets of the very few.

On the other extreme is the latest Ford's 'inner child'ad which shows a teenager driving a new Ford  Focus who is so excited talks in a childlike voice...I'm not entirely sure what exactly Ford are trying to convey but neither is the message distinct or the ad remotely appealing, the sooner I forget about it the better.

Mark Bilfield's recent article on 'The Anatomy of a Great Ad' is a good read, he mentions what are the characteristics of a great ad, such as:

1. Does the advertising educate or entertain the customer in a unique way to be memorable
2. Does the medium persuade the viewer that the product or service is the best choice?
3. Is the product or service going to make me a better person or make my life easier/more productive?
4. Does the advertising tell me where to get more information to purchase your product? (Is there a clear call to action?)

He goes on to mention some examples of great ads including the recent Chrysler 200, Intel Core i5 processor, and one of my favorites the Girl Effect. What are your examples of Great Ads?