Ads which leave you HUH?!

Have you ever seen an advertisement and been like HUH?!
This usually happens when the ad in question either:
a)  does not connect to the recipient,
b) just does not add any value to the brand
c) Both of the above.

I recently saw two ads which left me wondering what exactly were they trying to convey.
The first is for Chevrolet Celta: False Alarm
After viewing it, I was left wondering what does a "false alarm" got to do with the car? was the car meant for teens/young adults? did it help avoid "accidents"...or is it the car to be used when your still learning? so many questions and no answers... either way I don't see the value.

The second ad was for the Texas Dept of State Health Services (whew), for teenage smoking.

According to the ad's copy as a fact 8 out of 10 teens don't smoke any what's the purpose of the ad? is it to display its effectiveness? or as visuals a teen stopping his friend from smoking the purpose of it is to discourage smoking? mixed signals...

As a future note, it would be much appreciated by viewers like myself if an advertisement was consistent and actually meant something for the brand.