Pepsi vs. Coca Cola ... the battle rages on

What better way to get consumers to try your product than the classic taste test?

Of course I never expected that this would be take place between age old rivals Pepsi & Coca Cola. In the day of multi-million dollar advertising, and superbowl commercials, it is still humbling to see that the most effective way of converting people is through the modest yet effective product sampling.

In fact this method has been so productive in 1976 that it will be resurrected this year to reach out to more than  1.5 million Canadian consumers with the Pepsi Ultimate Taste Challenge (ref: The Pepsi Taste Challenge)

I wonder what will Coca Cola will have to say to that?

Of Kittens & Firemen

What do women like?

Kittens & Firemen seems to be the obvious answer, or at least that's what Sauza Tequila are going for with their Axe effect ad.
Using a combination of adorable sexiness, this ad hopes to appeal to women, and while sure it's cute to see, but does it really sell tequila?
It does not reflect very well, that Sauza believe that their target audience will react by just displaying what they believe all women like, maybe after a few shots first....altho I may be biased to admit I might just toss my fictional cat up a tree :-)