Which social media site drives the most traffic and has the highest conversions?

Which social media site drives the most traffic for retailers online? And which one makes the most money?
These are both important questions any social media manager would like to know while deciding company social strategy.

RichRelevance conducted a comparison study and benchmarked performance of Facebook, Twitter and Pintrest of traffic and retail sales from nearly 700 million shopping sessions an found the following results:

  • Facebook dominates in driving the most traffic
  • Pintrest drives more revenue per session
Other key insights:

  • Pintrest (11%) had a much larger session share than Twitter (3%), images work much better to drive traffic than text
  • Facebook had the largest page views per session and the highest same session conversion

Therefore while both channels are important, their strategic relevance depends on overall social strategy and how these channels fit within it.

The full article can be found here: 'Facebook drives more traffic to Retail, but Pintrest users spend more' by Shiela Shanyon at BrandChannel.

The full infograph can be be viewed here 'Who's driving shopping traffic for retail sales?'