Nokia takes on Apple

It seems that when every brand wants to launch a new mobile product, be it either a phone or a tablet, a comparison has to be made to Apple and its followers.

Apple enthusiasts are usually portrayed as mindless zombies all following the same command 'Buy Apple' but considering the majority of the people to own an iPhone or iPad and the target customers for other brands how would they react to being called as such?

Basically what every other brand such as Samsung or Nokia are doing are referring to their own target market as mindless, un-thinking individuals who just follow the masses, so are they meant to listen to the ad and switch allegiances?

The concept of comparing to Apple does nothing to the individual brand, as rather than bringing out the benefits it just puts the competitive brand down, as well as the concept is being over-used.

Here's hoping for more originality. Have a look at Nokia's ad for the launch of Lumia: