Greenpeace rise against 'the Capitol' Zara Hunger Games style

What would you do if protesting against a large organization seems to be rather in-effective?
Why make a video of course!
Greenpeace has been protesting against the harmful chemicals used in Zara clothing as part of their 'Detox' campaign. To aid their efforts, a video was put together in association with Free Range Media.
Video is the voice of the future and there is no better way to go viral with a message. So besides the big names in the game, how can can a video help?
The video created as part of the Detox campaign, was quite a creative venture. It borrowed the concept of the Hunger games, where a lone heroine from an exploited colony rises up against 'the Capitol' (Zara) to protest against the use of harmful chemicals and the pollution it causes all in the name of fashion, perpetuated by unknowing citizens. While the Hunger games is not directly referenced, any viewer who has seen the video can relate to it.
Done up in an anime style, the video is a fun watch and although not directly related to the campaign (or The Hunger Games) does get the point across via a feisty little heroine in her quest for justice.
Good thing Greenpeace won the protest.