Re-think Sugar, go with water: An Australia PSA initiative

How involved does a Government have to be in protecting its citizens...from themselves?
The Australian government takes its job very seriously. First it was the graphic warnings on cigarette packets, and now the anti-soda ads.

The Cancer council, Diabetes Australia & the National Hart Foundation are all participating in the campaign to educate the public about the dangers of drinking soda, with the "rethink soda campaign".
But while PSA (Public Service Announcements) are always a part of any government's plan, most of the public are already aware of the dangers of smoking and drinking soda, and yet this does not deter them.

So now, the health organizations are encouraging to increase the tax on soda items. Is this too far? Can the government intervene to stop people literally from themselves or is it their right only to educate and let them be the judge?

While it is a tough balancing act, certainly by encouraging tax, it does not make it less accessible but although more expensive which encourages people to stop and think if the item is really necessary. Overall a good move, as it protects governments from any blame of in-action they may face in the future.