All about appearances

new mcdonalds redesign McDonalds Redesign: a New Era for Fast Food Restaurants
McDonald's New Look
McDonald's has been changing the physical appearance of its restaurants in order to project a more wholesome and family friendly appearance. This is part of its planned upscale in order to generate a shift from just a fast food  brand to a lifestyle one. I find this change to be long overdue as it would be welcome with its friendly cafe style menu, and a place to sit and enjoy, instead of grab your food and run. Well true its following in the footsteps of Starbucks, and its not highly original, but its a move in the right direction, especially with all the negative connotations associated with fast food and obesity, this change is followed by the news that they will not let go of Ronald their mascot, and if this upgrade goes as planned then they will not have to.

As I'm on the topic of appearances, what about Gillette and the prowess of  their athletes?? First Federer and now Longoria, does Gillette have the same effect on them as Axe on dudes?? makes you wonder... all this is an elaborate scheme by them to prove their tagline of "being all that a man can be". Original? Yes, Believable? No, Entertaining? Definitely!, Effective? To be seen...If Gillette does not admit that it is a fake, then it has strong faith in the ability of its athletes combined with using its products to make them extremely good at what they do. You can see the video below and decide for yourself.