Hyundai: The Honest brand that does (not) keep its promises

Hyundai has been recently making news about its 'Assurance' policy which they had cancelled after the program helped them meet their expansion goals. The initial policy involved a job loss protection guarantee for Americans who after having purchased a vehicle would be allowed to return their vehicle within a year if they were to loose their job. An excellent idea which enabled Hyundai to gain mass appeal to consumers and which allowed them to build brand awareness and gain a larger share of the US market. In their ad marking the first year of the program (as seen below), they assure their customers that they are in it together, and till the economy improves they will be there to support their customers, so what happens when there is a turnaround and the policy is cancelled?

According to Dale Buss'article 'Hyundai Cancels Assurance Policy', this move was made as the purpose of the program has been fulfilled, i.e. to build awareness and gain a larger share of the US market. So what about the people? Unemployment figures have only risen, and therefore its only logical to ask where's Hyundai's promise now? If I were at the American public I would definitely feel cheated and used to say the least. And Hyundai's reasoning of the program that it was waning anyway just does not cut it. I may be being a bit harsh, but when a promise is made, you expect it to be kept, especially since the foundation of a brand lies in its promises to its consumers.
So when Hyundai launched a new 'Assurance' program, i.e. a new way to gain the trust of the American public, it makes me wonder how long this one is too last. The new policy, also marketed as 'Assurance' could lead to some confusion with the people, especially since the last one was not carry forwarded as it was 'assured' to be. The new policy as described in Dale Buss' article 'Hyundai's Trade-in Assurance: Let the driver beware', is said to be quite favorable for the company and would benefit them greatly..but what about the brand? That wait's to be seen. But in all fairness Hyundai are an honest brand, they don't beat around the bush and quite open to their consumers for the reasons behind their old & new Assurance program.