Not so great branding ads

While there are examples of great ads out there which really connect to the brand, at the same time, the exact inverse exists. There are ads which leave you wondering what was all that about...sometimes instead of adding any value they detract from it...why? Maybe because they just try too hard.

One such classic example is Skittles. I have been following their ads for sometime now and they seem to be steadily decreasing in sense or any brand value. I know they are trying to go for a crazy fun filled image, but it comes off being crazy nonsensical instead. Have a look at one of their latest efforts and you can judge for yourself.

moving on is the use of Russell Brand as a 'Brand' ambassador for HP (no pun intended ok maybe it was), while there's nothing wrong with it I don't see what's so great about it either. While Brand may be funny (clearly I'm not a big fan) I don't see how he contributes to HP's brand or the HP touchpad in any particular way. While he does not detract from it, I don't find him adding anything either.