RIM - New BlackBerry range to save the day?

So RIM is set to release their new range of BlackBerry'....about time I say!
It has been in the news awhile now, with no definitive release date, but that time seems to be drawing to a close.
While most manufacturers only release about one or two amazing models a year, RIM has gone all out with a release of 5...yes five new phones! So it's going to be a fantastic time for all BB lovers out there.
Reviews about the new phones, 2 of which are touchscreen and 3 normal, are generally quite positive, which is good news as RIM could certainly use the boost. The only thing that annoyed me was the long delay in the announcement to an actual release date. I'm not quite sure of the motives, maybe it was to keep their stock riding high for a longer period? Obviously that didn't work.
I found it quite annoying as I was looking at getting a new phone at the time and would have loved to get my hands on the new range, it seems I would have been waiting a long time...
It also leads me to question why release them all at once?? Sales boost?
Well all in all, I'm glad they are releasing soon, as RIM could certainly use all the help they can get to gain market share in an increasingly Android world.