McDonalds photo shoot: Honesty in Advertising?

Is honesty the best policy when it comes to advertising?

McDonalds' tested that question when it decided to answer one of their fans questions (and I'm sure this is not the first time they have been asked that) of 'Why does my food look different in real life than in advertisements?'
Rather than simply stating it is due to the wonders of photography and photoshop, McDonalds went quite creative with a video which demonstrated the entire process.

What were people's reactions?
Well on a personal level I found it to be quite a bold and striking move. A fascinating watch, the video depicts the whole process not forgetting to mention that all the ingredients used were the same as in the actual burger.
Most companies are secretive and hush - hush but McDonalds through this video embraces what social is about through its complete transparency, plus why hide something clearly everyone knows, that an advert is only an ad after all. See the complete McDonalds ad below:

Although this brings to mind the question, if its not ethical for models to be photoshopped, is it ethical for advertisements to enhance products for their sale? Or should they come with a disclaimer as well?