Re-branding London & New York

What's in a name?

Well if London is to be believed then not much, as the landmark will remain the same. For those confused, I am referring to the change in name of London's 'Big Ben' to 'Elizabeth Tower'. Is it so easy to re-name an icon of a city, especially since the tower had been constructed in 1859? Majority of the populace don't seem to agree and with good reason. A city's icon is its symbol, by changing the name, its history is being affected.
Sure 'Elizabeth Tower' is a noble undertaking for a well respected Monarch, and 'Big Ben' may not make much sense but is it wise? Perhaps this is a decision which needs more thought than a simple show of hands in the Parliament.

For more information London's Big Ben to be renamed Elizabeth Tower

Removing the Heart from NY

The classic I <3 NY campaign has been one of the most timeless success stories of all time. It has often been confused as a promotion for New York city rather than NY State, so to freshen things up, the state decided to relaunch the campaign except asking people to replace the heart with things they love about NY. 
What an amazing idea! It's fresh and completely relies on user generated content (UGC). It is just dis-heartening to see the <3 removed.
It would have been a great idea, perhaps if not tampering with the existing campaign which is after a classic. Ref: I (Blank) New York: Iconic Campaign Gives Its Heart Away